Hott Lettis, the self-professed muscle spasms of playwriting, are the representatives of an eccentric professor who lives deep in the woods.

Hott Lettis is made up of Alison Vincitore and Milo O’Connell.

Alison’s past work has been featured in McSweeney’s, The Three Magazine, RememberFest 2020, and as a Second Rounder in the 2022 Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition. In addition to her writing credits, Alison has worked as a Script Production Assistant on workshops of Off-Broadway-bound and Broadway-bound musicals, as a theatre captioner and accessibility services assistant, and has produced her five-episode webseries, Janie is Sick.

Milo’s past work has been performed at Flux Factory on Governors Island, Chaos Computer Collective in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, RememberFest 2020, and at The New School College of Performing Arts. Milo has produced DIY nightlife, music, and theatrical events across the East Coast, including New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston.

They both hold a BFA in Dramatic Arts from The New School for Drama. Milo also completed the MA Arts Management and Entrepreneurship program. Professor Lettis never attended university.

During quarantine in 2020, Alison and a friend formed a Zoom writers group, which Milo joined. Alison tried to start a Zoom cafe simulator writing session arm of the writers group, and Milo was the only person who showed up. They quickly learned that they really got each other’s writing style, voice, and thought process. Through Final Draft installation and last-minute writing assignments, they began writing together and realized what was on the page was completely different than what either would have written on their own. It was fun, liberating, and creative.

In December of 2021, they spent too long hanging a light in Alison’s apartment and missed the dimming of Broadway marquee lights in memory of Stephen Sondheim and ended up in a pizza place, where Milo was revolted and baffled by a chicken caesar salad pizza, saying, “But then is it just like, hot lettuce?” And thus the pseudonym was born.

Just a short time later, they conceptualized their first full-length play, The Last Grain of Rice, via exquisite corpse.

Hott Lettis Productions Limited Liability Company

Copyright  © Hott Lettis Productions Limited Liability Company